Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emily's DELICIOUS Protein supplements!!

Ok!! Here is where the diet really gets fun!!! Not only are you losing weight, but you get to have CANDY BARS, PANCAKES, and HOT CHOCOLATE!!! Yes you heard me right!!

Everyday, you can have 1 bar, one hot chocolate, one berry drink and a pancake.

The pancake is made with the oatmeal mix.

I created some links for you to purchase these if you want to at a lesser rate. To get the best rate click on these below!! Here are my favorites!

To order these delicious candy bars click here:

The Hot Chocolate is WONDERFUL!

To order the hot chocolate click here:

Here is the oatmeal that you use to make the pancake!

Click here to order the Oatmeal:

NOTE: Directions on pancake, take one of these packets mix with one egg,cinnamon, splenda and and 1/4 cup of fat free milk and cook just like a pancake. I like to put the cinnamon apples on top of mine!!

Finally here are the Protein Berry drinks that you can have once a day as well.

Click here to order these:

This diet really doesn't work as well without these supplements!! You will LOVE them!!!
Let me know if you have any questions!!

Happy Weight loss!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Falling IN LOVE with your Salads!!

So, as you may have noticed, on this program I eat LOTS of salads!! But I promise you it is not boring!! Here is the key!!! Seasonings, dressings, and meat!!!

Change it up everyday! If you looked in my fridge you would see about 15 different Kraft Fat Free Dressings. Its seems like each time I am getting my next salad ready, I ALWAYS am craving a certain dressing!

Some of the FAT FREE flavors are: Honey Mustard, Caesar, Thousand Island, French, Ranch, Raspberry Vinaigrette, Balsamic, Blue Cheese, and on and on!!

So, here is how to make these salads!

Before I start..Here is the Zip Lock Bag I am use to make the meat!

The one I just had which was wonderful was called The Ground Turkey Breast Salad!!

6 ounces of Ground Turkey BREAST 99/1% on fat percent.  (Very important that you get the breast)
Mixed lettuce
1 tomato
Mrs. Dash Seasoning (get all kinds)
Light Morton Salt
5 Strawberries
1 piece of Sarah Lee Diet Bread (this is for the cruton)

Here is a picture of all the Seasonings I use on EVERYTHING!

Toast the breat and break it up into little pieces to use as crutons. Here is the Bread to get!

And that is it!! Mix it all together and you have it!! Also, I like the meat to be steaming hot in the salad, it makes it taste better!!!

So, that is basically how I do all the salads, and I simply change up from chicken, fish, beef, and turkey, and then I change the fruits and dressings so it's like a completely different taste and meal every time!

Here is one more little trick!!! LOSE THE DIET DRINKS..AND BUIYS LA CROIX!!!

These drinks are a life saver! You can get them at Target!!! They are just carbonated water and have NO sodium, calories, or carbs and taste GREAT!! I used to like to drink beer, and now I drink these at night and they are filling and totally harmless!! Here is a picture!! I get all the flavors!


Emily :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Emily's Weight Loss Program

Many of you have been asking me "What is this new diet?" So that is initially why I created this, to help out my friends that are excited about making some lifestyle changes with developing new eating habits.

So, I have always been in pretty good shape! I work out like crazy!! But after marrying a 6 foot 5 270 pound body builder Italian, who LOVES to eat, I gained about 25 pounds and was NOT happy about it!! He continues to eat and I have changed my ways! LOL

Let me tell you first of all, there are MANY more benefits in my opinion then just losing pounds on this program.  Each week that goes by, I am noticing so many changes, there are too many to share. Here are just a few.

I have much better mental focus at work. I have much less of a desire to drink alcohol or do anything that wouldn't be healthy for my body. I notice my anxiety has gone way down. My sleeping is much better. My hair and nails seem to be growing stronger. My whole outlook on life is slowly changing. But not only that, my outlook on food is different too! The old saying, "Eat to Live" and not "Live to Eat" really rings true!!! Another thing is that I don't even feel the need to supplement as much because I am getting so many nutrients through the foods I am eating.

On another note, before I get into the program I am doing, let me rant a little about this.
SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR!! EVIL EVIL EVIL!!! I am serious!! Please be careful with your kids and your own bodies!!! You may not realize how much SUGAR can affect your moods, your sleep, your weight, your anxiety, depression, and the list goes on and on.

So, realize this, that when you go on this program, you ARE going to detox. It is going to take a few weeks for your body to really withdrawal from all the sugar you put in your body on a daily basis. In fact at one point in the first few weeks, I thought I was losing my mind. It wasn't until I had a half of a baked potato and felt like a million dollars that I realized the affect sugar was really having on me. So stick with it and I PROMISE, you won’t miss it after a few weeks! But you have to go through some PAIN to enjoy your pleasure and your new lifestyle!

I give all the credit to this program to a company called "Slim for Life." If you are in the DFW area, I highly recommend you join them, because they will give you a daily program and licensed nutritionists to help you every step of the way. Unfortunately, they don't have any programs out of my area so that is why I am writing this to help my friends that don't live around here.

Ok, on your mark.... get set...... go!!!

Prep: This is what Slim For Life calls the first three days of the program.

Prep is a 3 day preparation that "gets your body ready" for weight loss!!

Here is Prep: For three days all you eat is is as much Beef and Chicken and lettuce and tomatoes and fat free dressing that you possibly can!! The more beef you the more weight you will lose. I recommend that you cook your own foods and not get meat from fast food places, just so you know what your are eating.

So, beef, chicken, fish, all meats!!! EAT MEAT, AND MORE MEAT AND MORE MEAT! Use any fat free dressing and make meat salads!!!  Start your day with Steak and Eggs!!! Go hard for three days!! Also, very important, drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, that is crucial.

Now, here is what to expect, the first day, you will LOVE this, and then after day three, you will feel SICK of meat!! But remember it is only three days, and then the program begins!!

Day 4...and beyond...

Here is what you can eat everyday:
Breakfast, 3 egg whites, 1 piece of diet bread (this is Sarah lee's 45 calorie bread you can get at any store) and 1/4 cup of any fruit, except, no bananas, no blackberries.
 I call these Cinnamon Apples, just cut an apple up, put splenda and cinnamon and a half teaspoon of smart balance and steam for 2 min and 15 seconds and it taste like an apple pie, and that equals one of your 3 fruits for the day!

Lunch: 6 ounces of chicken, fish, or turkey, 2 veggie servings (steamed) a serving is 1 cup of cooked veggies...NO CARROTS, they have too much sugar, and have another piece of diet bread.

Snack: protein supplement

Dinner: Same as lunch...

80 ounces of water everyday!! Use splenda for sweetening anything and use fat free dressings!!

Try not to eat after 8pm.

Just focus on this, egg whites in morning, fruit and bread, protein and veggies for lunch and dinner, and a couple of protein supplements.

QUICK TIPS! Use Mrs. Dash to season EVERYTHING!!! Use Light Morton Salt and Pepper! Use splenda and cinnamon to get sweet tastes!! Write down everything you eat!

Steam in the bag: example, take a chicken breast from Target only 45 mg of sodium, cut it through the middle, season it with Mrs. Dash, cinnamon, pepper, and put in the bag and steam for 4 min and 30 seconds!

That is enough to get everyone going...I far as the supplements go, I need to get back to you on where to get the bars and drinks that I use. So when I get that information I will post then. If you go to my facebook page you can see pictures of all the meals I make, and remember...GET THE ZIP LOCK BAG and steam your chicken! It makes it so much easier!!! HAPPY WEIGHT LOSS!! XO

Ps. I will post the link for the protein supplements when I get it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to our world!

Hey gang!! Welcome to J Journeys! I enjoy reading other blogs so I thought "what the heck" we can have one too! Even if Joe and I are the only ones who read it! :) Seriously, I think everyone has a few good ideas to share to help someone else. So my purpose in blogging is to hopefully share a few little insights that we I have learned in my Journey thus far. My topics will mostly include, Newly wed life, weight loss, living with  dystonia, selling,  working from home, dogs, excersise, yoga, Christ, ADHD, and our goals and dreams. So, hopefully you will learn a little something or another along the way, as I am sure we will too!! :)